Interview in PmC Magazine, June 2014:
1. Who am I?
Jamie Dibos Roach
2. What do you do and what project are you currently working on?
I am an actor, playwright and co-founder of Alive Worldwide which is an Organization dedicated to “connectivity through creativity”. Alive Worldwide is currently producing an immersive, theatrical show called THE CITY that has collaborated with 17 artists to explore “human connectivity” in NYC.
“The City” is unique in several ways. It tells a story through abstract and realistic scenes and through imagination and the absurd. It also uses various artistic forms- film, live and original music, photography, theatrical dance, beatbox and poetry. It also engages the audience through safe and playful interactions. All of this brings it an almost dream-like quality…perhaps a dream that the audience can begin to imagine for gaining more authentic connections with fellow human beings. We also think that our audience members will have a lot of fun!
3. Where are you from and where are you going?
I’m from Portland, Oregon and raised in San Diego, California. I’m going to Chinatown later on to pick up some props.
4. Who is your biggest hero?
That’s a tough one because I have great parents and over 40 incredible aunts and uncles. I’ll opt for saying my heroes are the vast influences of friends and family that have shown me the best practices for how to express love, support and connectivity.
5. What book is your bible? (as in: either your favorite book or the book that you live by)
The Four Agreements.
6. What are some things you love? And some things you hate?
I love seeing people come together for a creative outlet, with an added weight of having a pro-social effect. I hate when (myself included) are too caught up in our heads to be present with others.
7. What is your raison d'être?
To swim in the ocean and to find an excuse to sing and dance with strangers and friends. It is always there. It is always available.
Inspired by the spirit and fun of Sara Bareilles' "Brave" video, we thought to bring this energy from the West Coast to the East. "Give Love New York"- an initiative created by a group of friends in NYC is a movement to promote acts of kindness, generosity and connection between New Yorkers.
8. What is your favorite color?
I once asked a famous designer the same question and he responded, “opaque and the color of oil on water”. I thought it pretentious but then realized they are both actually quite beautiful so I don’t blame him. Blue, but I would love to be able to say green. But it’s blue.
9. Who is your favorite comic book superhero?
Waldo. When he’s around.
10. What is your favorite NYC hot spot?
Two Brothers.
11. What turns you on?
Seeing people come alive - from a genuine spot, and express themselves wholeheartedly.
12. What would the last question of this questionnaire be if you were the one asking?
Where can I see and experience a fantastic show that will leave me laughing at the complexities of modern life?
Theater Lab on June 26-29. :)